Aries personality traits and characteristics
The zodiac sign of people who are born between March 21 and April 20 is Aries. Mars rules over Aries. Special effects of Mars are seen in those people who were born during this period.
People of the Aries zodiac sign are brave, courageous, gentle, self-respecting, and religious. Love for art, painting, cleverness, business efficiency, fighting ability, fearlessness, and bravery can also be seen in them. Due to this reason, Aries people can be seen making quick progress in the army and police departments.
Aries people are generally calm, but their one weakness is that they get angry suddenly but calm down very soon. Due to their generous nature, they have many friends and you will also get to see more than one love relationship.
Mars is a cruel and aggressive planet, hence Aries people can be seen succeeding in sports and hospital fields also. Aries people can also be seen making progress in jobs like mechanical work, iron or metal business, hotel restaurant, land buying and selling, etc. They have a very bad habit that they start any new work very quickly but get bored of it very quickly.
If they do any business in partnership then they get profit. If we talk about their financial condition considering their work, then their financial condition does not remain stable and they keep moving forward after facing many ups and downs in their life. Since childhood they struggle to move forward, their childhood is not very good. They grow up facing many difficulties and obstacles in their early life.
Aries people never get success due to luck, they get success in their lives due to their hard work. By climbing one step in their life, they become successful in their life and get all the comforts of life. They have good land and property, sometimes they also get good wealth through marriage.
The 17th, 19th, 30th, and 40th years of their life are full of troubles, this time can give them struggle in business and trouble in marital life. They get married early, they do not have many children and the happiness of having children in their life is also ordinary. People of Aries zodiac sign achieve success in their lives by working hard and struggling. Due to their hard work and willpower, they can complete even the most difficult tasks in life. If Aries people are in a job then you will find them in the post of president in big departments.
If Aries people do not hurry in their life then they can become very successful and progress. They achieve great success in businesses like the Army, Police, Justice Department, Judge, Lawyer, Court, Mineral Works, Engineering, Restaurants, Electronics, Trading etc. They do not get help from anyone in their life, but due to their outspoken nature, they make many enemies. But no enemy ever succeeds in harming them.